Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Man am I pumped right now!! For my Business ethics and social responsibilities class I had to write a discussion post on what I believe is the biggest ethical dilemma in the entertainment industry is and this is what I wrote. Let me know if you agree or not. Please leave your comments.. Thanks :-) xoxo

I believe the biggest ethical dilemma in the entertainment business is the lack of passion for the art of music especially in the Hip Hop and RnB community. I remember a time where music was felt not just heard.  Artist like Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Etta James, and Whitney Houston come to mind. Taking Music History last month has opened my eyes to music I’ve never heard before and not a particularly a fan of, but something about the emotion of the song and the lyrics capture me. Artist such as Bo Diddley and Miles Davis come to mind. When these artists performed their music exudes passion and emotion where a connection is made between you and the artist.

As many artist who are signed to a major record label today there are fewer who thrive off of the love of music.  Unfortunately those artists are glorified because of a character they are portraying just to make money. Deontological if I’ve ever heard it. It seems like once fame is given to an artist they begin to forget about the music and the gift that they were blessed with weather it’s singing, rapping or writing.

As long as there are people within the corporate world of music whose intention is to manipulate people into accepting deals to create fortune for themselves and the corporations and people who accept them just to be rich and famous, there will always be this type of lackluster music. After meeting so many inspiring and passionate people from studying at Full Sail I believe the new generation of music business professions will put music on the path of love, passion, and grace. We need to continue to strive for excellence within our selves and each other and bring true love back to music. 

Songs like this were sung by children, in churches and amongst friends. This type of #love isn't created anymore are just not as popular anymore R.I.P. WHITNEY!!!.....